Each Thursday at noon, the Bonita Naples Rotary Club convenes at The Stage Restaurant in the picturesque town of Bonita Springs, FL.
Our club, comprised of approximately 40+ members, represents the diverse business and professional sectors of the region. Aligned with Rotary's core values encapsulated in the Four Way Test - the pursuit of truth, fairness, goodwill, and benefit for all, Rotarians in our club embody these principles in both their personal and professional lives.
As part of Rotary International, our club is a proud member contributing to causes in our community and beyond. With over 1.2 million Rotary members spread across 168 countries in more than 32,000 clubs, the impact of Rotary is truly international in scope.
The essence of fellowship and camaraderie is deeply ingrained in our Rotary experience, and we extend a warm welcome to visiting Rotarians and guests. With a bustling and dynamic atmosphere, we enthusiastically embrace new members who share our vision of fostering peace and understanding in our community and the world at large.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a part of our mission, or to simply learn more.
January 16
Bonita Naples Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Leah Mason - Executive Director
Topic: Literacy Council Gulf Coast
January 23
Bonita Naples Weekly Club Meeting ID=77791612
Speaker: Jean Carolluzzi - Program Manager United Way
Topic: ReUnite Program
January 30
Bonita Naples Weekly Club Meeting ID=77797343
Speaker: Angela Melvin - Exec Dir
Topic: Valerie's House
February 6
Speaker: Maikoi Hernandez - Exec Dir Bonita Springs Historical soc
Topic: History on Bonita Springs and their preservation efforts
February 13
Speaker: ReStore/Habitat for Humanity
Topic: Information on efforts in the Bonita Springs area and the store
February 20
Speaker: Susan Pezzullo and Vicki Stoller from the Plastics Task Force, League of Women Voters of Collier County
Topic: Plastics problem and reducing single-use plastics waste in our area
April 3
Speaker: D6960 Hanwash Inc. Chair & Ambassador & D6960 Membership Chair, PDG Don Thomas
Topic: Rotary International Hanwash project with Haiti
April 10
Speaker: D6960 Council on Legislation Delegate, PDG Rich Kirschner
Topic: Upcoming changes to Rotary International by-laws & constitution
April 17
Speaker: Former Zone 26 Major Gift Officer, PDG Pam Russell
Topic: Rotary Foundation and Major Gift Giving
May 1
Speaker: Genesis Alvarez
Topic: Hanley Foundation
May 8
Speaker: Michelle Avola
Topic: Naples Pathway Coalition/Hands-Free Florida
May 15
Speaker: Amanda Brunson
Topic: Healthy Start SWFL coalition
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